Why I Write

Huillo is a lucky boy. Luis is a lucky dad. And I am lucky my words brought them to me. ‪#‎todossomoshuillo‬

Building a bridge to Mexico


I don’t typically post videos, nor content from others, but I was moved by a recent email from Luis Vazquez. Luis introduced me to his son Huillo through this video, while telling me he found my infographics helpful. At the time, I replied and posted it to the Living Amongst Humans Facebook page and similarly on Twitter. Today I decided to copy it to the main Living Amongst Humans site.

Coldplay shared the video with their almost 17 million Twitter followers, along with the caption: “This kind of thing makes it all worthwhile.” The Washington Post covered it. Clearly, I am not going to appreciably increase this video’s reach, but it is worthwhile — personally, at least — to capture the event.

Humans can mistake autistic people having difficulty reading or expressing emotions as not having emotions. Let this video put the lie to that.

huillo at cold play

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3 Responses to Why I Write

  1. Jen June 17, 2016 at 4:30 am #

    I believe I feel more deeply…. it’s hard to deal with that level of emotion. I wouldn’t change a thing though. It’s who I am.

  2. Anonymous February 18, 2017 at 9:02 am #

    From watching Huillo in the video, I felt that at first he was uncomfortable with the sound of the music, but his father’s loving attention permeated his feelings so much that he relaxed and began to appreciate why he had been treated to the concert. We must not forget his mother, either, who must have filmed the son/father interactions so patiently and diligently. What role models!

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